By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang


  But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the uttermost part of the earth.


“But ye shall receive power”, said the Master. The Holy Ghost came to live in the Christian with a great infusion of power. When you received the Holy Ghost, you received power. Power is the dynamic ability to cause changes. What you need to bring about a change in any problem or circumstance is power and you received that when you got the Holy Ghost.

Therefore, it becomes contradictory and an action borne out of ignorance for any Christian to, after the reception of the Holy Ghost be crying and begging God to send more power or anointing. It is unscriptural. There are many ministers who have been preaching such doctrine for years but they are wrong. They have not understood who really the Christian is. They pray to ask for double, triple and quadruple anointing. All these are borne out of ignorance. Where did they get that teaching? They got it from the story of Elijah and Elisha but they are wrong. Such folks haven’t understood what really the anointing is.

As a Christian, it is vital you understand who you really are or else you will be fasting and begging God for what you already have and God cannot answer such prayers.

The power you received when the Holy Ghost came to live in you from the start is all that you needed. You can never over expend that power. This is why it is wrong, unscriptural and totally against Christianity to ask God to give you more power. Any Minister who teaches you such messages doesn’t really and fully understands the Gospel of Jesus. It doesn’t matter how many books he has written or the gifts he walks in. God is a father and sometimes winks at ignorance to bless His children but it comes to a point where He expects you to grow and come to full understanding.

What God expects you to know and do is that the power you have received is more than enough; you don’t need more because it is the power of the Holy Ghost Himself. What you have to do, your responsibility is to work out that power. And we can work out that power to unlimited energy levels. So whilst they are looking unto God for more power, He is looking unto them to work out that power they already have. It’s like you buying a car, the car company provides you with the car, with its engine and all other parts in place but you need the ignition key or that conversion of mechanical, chemical and electrical energy wont take place. It is the same with that power in you. Work out that power in you and it starts first with today’s message, knowing that the power you have is all you need.


 God bless you!



I believe with my heart that Jesus is the very Son of God that He came to die for me and was raised up by God the Father. I confess Him as the Lord of my life from this day forward. Hallelujah! I am born again


Weekly Prayer

  • Pray and intercede for unsaved souls in your family, immediate and far


Scriptural reference: 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4, Acts 16:31