By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Romans 4:1NIV

What then shall we say that Abraham, our forefather according to the flesh, discovered in this matter?

Why was Abraham so successful in his faith walk? It was because he made a discovery. Abraham didn’t start out as a great man of faith like many have thought. It was his discovery that gave him an understanding of what faith was. He made a discovery that gave him an understanding into what God expects when it comes to faith. Abraham had initially conceded and even slept with Hagar to produce Ishmael and like many was dominated by the circumstances of the flesh contrary to what God had spoken but he made a discovery in the subject of faith that changed everything and made him the father of faith.

Until Abraham made that discovery, nothing changed in his circumstances. Nothing will change in your problem if you don’t make the same discovery.

Abraham discovered that when it comes to faith, you can’t boast or brag about anything you have done but you have to believe in what God has said. Abraham made a discovery that when God had spoken irrespective of the contrary happenings of the senses, you ought to believe in that which God has spoken. You are only justified if you hold on to what God had said contrary to the doctor’s report, the economy and submissions of business experts.

Abraham also had the doctor’s report, the report said that he was impotent and that Sarah was barren and in menopause but God too had spoken so what was Abraham going to do. He was only going to be justified if he would hold on to the word of God regardless of the sensory observations.

So Paul says,

“And being not weak in faith, he considered not his own body now dead, when he was about a hundred years old, nor yet the deadness of Sarah’s womb. He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief, but was strong in faith, giving glory to God, and being fully persuaded that what He had promised, He was able also to perform…….Romans 4:19-21KJV”


When it comes to faith, the Christian should understand that since it is God who is going to honor the faith, we better understand faith from God’s angle. Something may be reasonable to you, it doesn’t mean that God sees it the same way and how He sees it is what matters.

As far as God is concerned when He has spoken nothing else is justified or is reasonable. You may say that the contrary doctor’s report makes sense but God doesn’t see it the same way because what He says is final. Why? He is God and all others were created so no creature’s word should be superior to His Word.

Without you understanding this fundamental principle of faith, your faith will never produce.

This is the discovery that Abraham made that God’s Word superseded what Sarah or any other person had to say.

If you will not make the same discovery, you cannot and will not bring the supernatural into your affairs of life.

Faith demands that God’s word becomes the final and only arbiter.

This is why a good Christian or Pastor may die from a disease. It is not about being a good Christian but making the same discovery that Abraham made.

Till Abraham made the discovery he produced ishmael, a product of the flesh. You can only produce Isaac, a result of the spirit if you will make the same discovery.

The Christian will have the same experiences and results like the rest of the world till he make the same discovery.

Everything in Abraham’s life was against hope but against hope he Abraham believed in hope. When everything in your life is chaotic, you ought to still believe. You ought to consider only what God had said and not the happenings of life.

Jesus said to a man whose daughter was dead

“Only believe”. This is was how chaotic his life had gotten to, his daughter was dead. To man, it will be reasonable to give up but not God because God in flesh prior to the time the news of the daughter’s death came to him had spoken and he was to only believe irrespective of how dire the circumstances become.

You have to understand faith, you ought to make the same discovery

“While he yet spake, there cometh one from the ruler of the synagogue’s house, saying to him, Thy daughter is dead; trouble not the Master.But when Jesus heard it, he answered him, saying, Fear not: believe only, and she shall be made whole…..Luke 8:49-50KJV”




God bless you!