By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Psalm 92:13KJV

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God.

Many times, there are Christians who are only conscious of the blessings and not the process. They are acquainted with the nice and wonderful blessings that as children of God they are to walk in but are oblivious of the processes involved to attain that state.

Christianity is a life and the blessings of Christianity is in that life but the life comprises processes, activities and events. When you choose to walk in the life, meaning choosing to engage in the processes, activities and events then only the blessings of the life will manifest in your life

For instance lets observe this blessing of the Christian life that the Psalmist communicates

“The righteous shall flourish like the palm tree: he shall grow like a cedar in Lebanon…..Psalm 92:12KJV”

A christian will hear this and just ride with it, he will confess it over and over but it never manifests in his life. This is because he has not come to understand that there is a condition and process involved to attain that state. He gives you the condition in the next verse

“Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God”

Are you planted in the house of the Lord? Are you planted in the word and in the things of God?

To be planted means to be “settled”. This is what faith really means, it means you are settled in the word and this is why nothing can move or shake you. In the midst of a storm, you are at peace and at rest.

There are people who are part of churches and ministries but are never planted. They are not fully engrossed in the message of their ministry, they feed everywhere.

This attitude is wrong, such an individual will not grow properly. Its like a child having 2 or 3 fathers, what do you think will happen? There is nothing wrong in listening to other messages but you ought to be planted where God places you.

You don’t choose how you want to be brought up, God does. You don’t choose who should be your man or woman of God, He does

Till a Christian humbles himself to fully submit to where God places him or her, you are going to lose a lot of blessings. You ought to be planted, you have to be settled.

Those that be planted in the house of the Lord shall flourish in the courts of our God”

You have to be planted to flourish, you have to be planted to be productive. Till a seed remains in the ground, there wouldn’t be any fruit.

This is why you have to be patient enough to give it time.

Being planted is very important in the things of the Kingdom. You have to be rooted and grounded.


God bless you!