By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Daniel 6:6KJV

Then said these men; “We shall not find any occasion against this Daniel unless we find it against him concerning the law of his God”.

The Christian is expected to be faithful even unto death. Scripture prophecies of days very soon to come when many Christians would have no choice than to choose between Jesus and their lives. Currently, there are wonderful Christians in certain parts of the globe losing their lives because of the faith in Jesus. Talk about the Christians in China, Russia, Pakistan etc but in the days of the Anti Christ, this shall be in masses.

This is why it baffles me when the western and African Christians are holding on to a “no tribulation” endtime message. These folks don’t know what some well meaning Christians are going through each hour of the day.

The days of the Anti Christ will be like the days of King Darius, when the president and princes deceived the King to change religious laws so as to pitch Daniel against the law of His God. Daniel knew the death penalty that came with breaking the King’s command but you were not going to get Daniel to transgress the commandment of Jehovah.

The Bible says that since these evil people knew they were not going to get Daniel to break the laws of the state, they had to deceive the King in enacting a law that  would put Daniel in a position to choose between being loyal to the state or to God.

This is the same thing that the Anti Christ is going to do. Being very clever and crafty, he knows how to get the Christians, he has to change laws that will pitch Christians against the law of their God. They would have to choose between Jesus and their lives.

The Bible says

“And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time……Daniel 7:25KJV”

There are some christians who have not understood this very well. When the Bible says that the AntiChrist will dominate over the church, they think it is about mystical powers, not at all. satan is not more powerful than the church. he will wear out the church by changing state laws.

So Scripture says, “ he will change times and laws”. This is how he gets the church. When you understand this, you will know why you are not going to be raptured before the tribulation because this is nothing new. There are nations currently on earth with laws that forbid the worship of Jesus, trangressing such laws amounts to a felony.

There are Christians who sometimes justify their behavior, they think compromising the standard of the Christian faith so to keep a job or secure a contract is understandable . Some even ask, do you want me to lose my job for my children to starve?  What is that Christian going to do when it is his life or that of his child at stake?

Christians have to be like Daniel, you have to be faithful unto death.

The Bible says,

“And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death……Revelation 12:11KJV”

Jesus told the Christians in the Church in Smyrna.

“Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life….Revelation 2:10KJV”

Jesus told good Christians in Smyrna to be faithful unto death therefore don’t listen to the preacher giving you a false hope out of the great tribulation.

Prepare, for it will come and soon