By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

1 Corinthians 6:17 KJV

But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.


The essence of Christmas and our celebration of it is in what Jesus brought . A king was born who took our place so that we might take His place. Christ has become our nature.

The blessing of Christianity is in the nature. Christ has become our nature, our blessing. Christ is the blessing. The blessing is not in things. No! Christ is the blessing. In Him are all the blessings. Christ is God’s blessing to us. See Him as the blessing. Don’t think that the blessing is in something He brought. No! He is the blessing.

Sometimes, you find Christians struggling with sins and other problems of life. They want to even change a habit, they have prayed about it yet find themselves doing the same thing. Your solution is not in praying but recognizing what the Christ in you has become to you. He is now your new nature hence you can do everything that He can do and since He is above sin, you too are above sin. Anything that He is above, you are above because Christ is your new nature. Therefore, in you is the ability to be able to accomplish anything. Paul caught this revelation so He said,

“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me………Philippians 4:13NKJV”

Yes! We can do all things. Never talk “impossibility”. They say, he is going to die but you have to say, he will live and not die. This is who we have become, problem solvers and destiny changers. Why? Because Christ is our new nature and that takes out the impossibilities.

As you celebrate Christmas, focus on your new nature. Christ has become our nature. Merry Christmas!


God bless you!