By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Genesis 35:7KJV

There he built an altar, and he called the place El Bethel,because it was there that God revealed himself to him when he was fleeing from his brother

There are Christians who have been taught to build what they term as altars in their rooms, a place where they personally worship God. This is very wrong and if not careful may lead to idolatry.

It’s important that the Christian understands the progression of faith in the Bible; you have to understand the progression of revelation in the word of God.

Abraham, Isaac and Jacob built altars of worship because of the level of faith and the revelation of God they had received in their time. You see, you can never know God till He reveals Himself to you. God has to reveal Himself to you and God progressively revealed Himself to the Israelites in their faith walk.

When we say Christianity, it means you have been brought into perfected faith, faith in its completion and perfection. Due to a lack of knowledge and understanding, many like going back to the sensory patterns of faith. Things they can feel, taste and touch but all these were a figure of the true image that was to come.


Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, all looked forward to Christ. It is wrong to go back to a lesser revelation and walk of faith.

Jesus said,

But the hour cometh and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for the Father seeketh such to worship Him. God is a Spirit, and they that worship Him must worship Him in spirit and in truth…….John 4:23-24KJV

The Israelites had what they called the high place; it was a place of worship they had made for themselves. The high place even contained the brazen serpent that God Himself had asked Moses to make. The High place was there even in the time of David. It took King Hezekiah in his days to destroy the high places. Let us observe what was said when Hezekiah destroyed the High place.

“Hezekiah did what the Lord said was right, just as David his ancestor had done. Hezekiah destroyed the high places. He broke the memorial stones and cut down the Asherah poles. At that time the Israelites burned incense to the bronze snake made by Moses. This bronze snake was called “Nehushtan.” Hezekiah broke this bronze snake into pieces. Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel. There was no one like Hezekiah among all the kings of Judah before him or after him………2 Kings 18:3-5 ERV”

Christians who build altars in your rooms with anointing oils and other materials you got from your pastors and prophets should be very careful. These don’t please God.

You don’t need to build any altar; the altar is your heart. A true worship from the heart is what God takes utmost delight in not in things made by men.

Get rid of the altars and trust in God

God bless you!