By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

1John 4:16KJV

And we have known and believed the love that God hath to us. God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him


John says, “God is love; and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in God, and God in him”. The Christian, no matter the case or situation is to abide, remain and tarry in love. There is no alternative for the child of God, you are to remain in love.

When you are born again to be a Christian, you are born into love. All you are to see and live is love, love for God, others and most importantly also, becoming fully persuaded of the love that God has for you.

It is called the fellowship of love. satan will do all he can to make you move from your new location. he will cause troubles just to make you doubt the love that God has for you.

You may ask, does God really love me? If so, why am I going through all this? You are going through that because it is an attack on your fellowship with love.

He will influence people, especially those which will hurt the most, to offend you but in all this you have to remain resolute and grounded in your new position of love. Don’t move out of that location.

The reason why God is not pleased with worries, fear and despair is because it is a doubt of His love for you.

People fear because they find it hard to believe if God loves them so much to help them out in that situation

So the Bible says,

There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love….1 John 4:18KJV”


The faith issue is a love problem. When you find it hard having faith, the hidden cause is that you find it hard believing the love that God has for you.

When you are full of sincere love for others, it is easy to believe in God’s love for you.

Many times when people doubt God’s love for them, it is because they themselves are not walking in love.

Dwell in love. Be full of love for others.


God bless you!

Weekly Prayer

  • Pray and intercede for unsaved souls in your family, immediate and far
  • Pray for a harvest of souls into Light embassy ministries

 Scriptural reference: John 4:35, 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4, Acts 16:31,