By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Colossians 4:17KJV

And say to Archippus, Take heed to the ministry, which thou hast received in the Lord, that thou fulfill it.


Some years back the Holy Ghost said to me, many of my children die without fulfilling their purpose for life. He said, some even die without living out that purpose.

The success of a product is the fulfilment of the purpose for which it was made. The creator and not the creatures determine what success is. You are not successful just because you think you are or the world says you are. The people who have defined what success is and should be, are themselves not successful and will give an account of their own lives to God.

You are not successful because you have a good profession even though God wants you to have a fulfilling career, you are not successful because of the money you have in the bank even though money like the bible says, is a defence. You are not successful because you have a PhD even though education is important. You are not successful because you have a fleet of cars and mansions. Success is not in these things.

This is not the first time some Christians have defined success that way. It’s the natural way of men and their wisdom.


There were some Christians living in the first century who thought the same. They measured success by what money could buy and accomplish but Jesus didn’t see it that way. It matters what Jesus thinks and not what your mother, father, wife, brother , friends and the society think

Why ? The day life on earth comes to an end, He is the one you are going to face and give an account. You are not going to give an account to your wife or those friends you are trying to impress. They themselves will also have their time of reckoning. Therefore don’t be deceived by the spirit of this world. It is called the spirit of worldliness

Those first century Christians were very rich, they had all what money could buy . They said about themselves,

I am rich, and increased with goods, and have need of nothing;……….Revelation 3:17aKJV”

but Jesus thought differently about them. He said,

knowest not that thou art wretched, and miserable, and poor, and blind, and naked:……….Revelation 3:17bKJV”

Tell this to that brother or sister with all the billions in the bank and therefore thinks himself a success, he will mock you and deem you to be stupid.

You see, it is important for men and women to understand life. Life is a race; you have been given your own course to complete. Complete it! Don’t set a different one for yourself or what society has set for you. Know why you are on earth as a Christian and like Archippus, fulfill that ministry.

Every Christian has a ministry. The fact that you are not an Apostle or pastor, doesn’t mean you are not a minister. You are a minister to the world, with a ministry of reconciliation. The day the trumpet sounds or you depart from this world, you will give an account.

You are not going to give an account of the houses you built, the certificates you attained, the cars you bought, all those end here. You will give an account of the ministry he has committed to all Christians. You will give an account.

You will give an account, whether you lived for your goals or His goals.

The Laodicians, those first century christians also went to church and prayed for prosperity, they thanked God for the money they had. They were Christians and were not going to praise the devil for that yet Jesus said to them,

You are wretched, you are like a vomit to me”. This is the same Jesus that we all will give an account to. Be wise, be different.