By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Proverbs 3:6KJV

In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths


When you come to Christ, you have arrived. You are at home, you have found the answer, there are no more struggles. It’s like the replay of a movie; you know how it all ends therefore nothing in it can really disturb you.


In our pursuit of purpose, what the Christian should understand is that God is the future. He knows the past, the present and the future.

God could tell what was going to befall nations three thousand years ahead and it came to pass exactly as He said. You are not exceptional. If God doesn’t know everything about your life, from start to finish then He is not God. For Him to be God, He should know how your life is supposed to turn out.

This is why you should and can trust in Him, you can trust in your maker.

He planned your life from start to finish, don’t make a detour. He knows the paths you are supposed to take in life to be that success that He God designed you to be. God never designed a failure and since He created you, it thus means you were created to be a success. Your responsibility is to follow the paths that He planned for you.

This is why He says to us,

“In all thy ways acknowledge me, and I will direct thy paths”

The paths are no mystery to Him because He planned them. They may be a mystery to you but not to God. Sometimes, on that road of life you may be taking a wrong detour when God knows that you are missing your way and are supposed to go straight.

Every Christian was created to be a success; this is why failure in life is a choice. It’s a choice you make whether to follow God’s paths or your own. God’s path may not always be easy, there may be darkness in the way but if you are able to sail through the darkness, you will see a very bright light afterwards.

What should be important to you is not how beautiful the road looks but whether it is the path God made for you. Irrespective of how it may look, if it is the path that God designed for you, you are more than certain that it will make a great success out of you. Remember, the journey of life is different for everyone. Find your own road


God bless you!