By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

2 Corinthians 11:14KJV

For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit which ye have not received, or another gospel which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him


​​Though there are people who are called Jesus in certain parts of the world, you have to understand that it is not the same name. In man’s understanding, it is the same name but such is untrue. There isn’t anyone since creation who has the same name as the Lord. In the Spirit, “name” is more than sound. Name reflects an identity, character and authority and till that sound reflects the same identity, character and authority, it is not the same name. They may sound exactly the same but they are not the same name. This is why even though Jesus is called differently in different dialects and they sound differently and may be spelt differently yet the same power flows. This is because though they sound different, it is the same identity, character and authority.

What have been explained so far is to say this,

satan knows this important spiritual principle and uses it to deceive people. The spiritual quacks take advantage of this to deceive many. What they call churches may have the word Jesus boldly printed in, they will call Jesus at their premises but it doesn’t mean it is the same Jesus we worship. Signs and wonders may even follow the Jesus they are mentioning, it doesn’t mean it is the same Jesus we worship.

Like Paul says, they can preach to you another Jesus and many have done so

What is most important is identity, character and authority. You have to examine what the identity, character and authority are.

The pattern of worship is very important. Patterns authenticate the enterprise. The pattern should always be consistent with Scriptures or you are serving another Jesus. This is how satan has brought idolatry into the church without many Christians even knowing.

In the realm of the spirit, these things are very important.

Patterns determine the flow of power and this is why even though they might hide behind the name “Jesus”, they will have their own different pattern.

This is how to recognize preachers who are in occultism.

Some Christians go to churches and the pastor or prophet gives them his picture. All these are occultic practices.

You didn’t bring home Jesus but an evil spirit. Therefore, not only the sound but the identity, character and authority should be important to you.