By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Every man born of a woman is born into the course of this world. Till he gets born again and receives Christ, his life is going to flow according to the course, pattern and fashion of this world. The course of this world is driven by the desires and cravings of the flesh. It is centred on the “I”. It doesn’t matter whether you are a Christian, till you are taught and trained you are going to live according to the course of this world and many have. This is what we call the natural destiny and the one who is at the root of it is satan.

It is very important you take notice of what Jesus said to Peter.
“But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men……..Matthew 16:23KJV”
Jesus said that there are things of God and there are things of men but satan makes sweet and more appealing the things of men, he makes it more attractive. He schemes to make the things of men more appealing, he sweetens them.

This is why the cravings of society are centred on the desires and achievements of the “I”. These are the wiles of satan, his lying in wait, things he has put in motion so to distract and prevent you from fulfilling your divine destiny, the course set for you in Christ. There is a natural destiny and there is a divine destiny.

Many Christians die without fulfilling their divine destiny but the natural. The natural destiny is what you take from the world, that which the world gave you.

This includes money, career, education , businesses, other cares of the world etc. The divine destiny is what you take from heaven to give to the world.

Jesus talked about these two destinies and courses of life when He said,
“(For after all these things do the Gentiles seek:) for your heavenly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things.But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you……….Matthew 6:32-33KJV”
He knew about the natural destiny, he didn’t say it should be totally ignored but helps you to understand that there is a far more important destiny to fulfil.

You can be a Christian but die without living out your divine destiny. For some Christians because they go to church and read their Bible, they are fulfilling their divine destiny. No! As far as God is concerned, the Church and the reading of the Bible are to prepare and equip you with all that you need to fulfil the divine destiny.

When Jesus returns, you will be assessed on the divine destiny, the natural destiny is just for sustenance in this life and this is why everybody, believers or unbelievers are engaged in that destiny.
When you attended the university, you didn’t see only Christians taking that course with you, the atheist was also there. In the profession, business or career that you find yourself, there are unbelievers too.

You don’t find only Christians bulding and acquring, even most of the “richest” people in the world are unbelievers Becareful in life, follow that which is most important. Don’t waste all your time on that which wont matter at the end, many do.

There is a prince of the power of the air influencing people, he bombards them with thoughts, thoughts about the cares of this world. Becareful of the thoughts that drives your life.

Like Ezekiel, Solomon, Hitler, Stalin, Mandela, Paul, John,Kobe Bryant,
Maradona, Jeremiah, that aunt you lost, the grandmother who is no more with you, one day it will come to an end for you too.
Becareful of the lane you are in and the course you are finshing. Is it the course of this world or that in Christ?

God bless you