By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Titus 1:12KJV

In hope of eternal life, which God, that cannot lie, promised before the world began;


 When God has said or says something about you or that applies to you, it means case close. You can go to sleep

This is because He is the God that cannot lie. What does it mean to say that “God cannot lie”?

Words are not enough to explain, we just have to try. “God cannot lie” is not the same as “God does not lie”

“He does not lie” is a wonderful statement but it should be said about men and not God

When you say that someone does not lie, you are talking about character and that is a good character.

When it comes to God, He is not a God who does not lie. He cannot lie.

The best way to explain this is to first ask the Most High for forgiveness and go on to say this,

You see God doesn’t tell lies but if God was to tell a lie that lie will turn to become the truth because God cannot lie. When we say that God cannot lie, it is more about power and nature. If God was to tell a lie, everything in the universe will work together to make that lie the truth

Therefore, God cannot lie. When God calls a man a speaker, that man cannot but change to become a speaker.

This is how far Words can explain it.

When you understand this as a Christian, you do yourself a great injustice not to cast your life on what God has said. This is why He cannot also entertain doubts.

How can you know this about God and doubt His Word?

He is the God that cannot lie.

Why then are you afraid of COVID-19 or any other infection? Didn’t He say

And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover”

Let them find all the viruses of this world in you, God cannot lie.

Many Christians die from infections because they doubt the Word of God. The fear is the proof of their doubt. Why are you not afraid of  drinking water? This is because you have been told by doctors and scientists that water is good for your body. Tomorrow, let them come and say that we have discovered something new and that is, water is not good for the human system. We thought it was good but we have just found out that we were wrong all these years and that water is what has been shortening peoples lives.

I tell you, Christians including some of their pastors will stop drinking water but when the Most High God said in flesh,

They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them” ,

It meant nothing to them; they were in fear of COVID-19. This is why even Christians died from the pandemic

He says,

“If we receive the witness of men, the witness of God is greater: ………….1 John 5:9KJV”

And He has seen you all your life finding it so easy to believe the witness and reports of men. How then can you blame God?

There are some Christians that when they meet or listen to some of us, they try to present a narrative that we have been gifted with faith and they are not. They don’t even understand what the gifts of the Spirit are; this is one subject, which has been wrongly taught in the church of God. So they present such a narrative.

Don’t justify yourself. Men and women of faith are so because they are not lazy about the Word of God and take God’s Word very serious, the same way you have been taking the words of the scientist, pharmacist and doctors serious

He says,

So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God……Romans 10:17KJV”

Yes! Faith cometh by hearing the Word of the God that cannot lie




God bless you!