By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

1 Timothy 4:1NIV

The Spirit clearly says that in later times some will abandon the faith and follow deceiving spirits and things taught by demons. Such teachings come through hypocritical liars, whose consciences have been seared as with a hot iron


Christians should be very careful these last days, you have to be careful about who you listen to and the places of worship you visit.

The Holy Ghost speaks expressly of things that the devil will do in the church to lead many into apostasy. He says it will happen so what you have to do is to be careful.

There will be witches and wizards who come posing as ministers of God but are in truth messengers of satan. These will preach doctrines devoid of truth and they will say all those things in the name of Jesus. The Spirit says that their messages will lead some Christians into apostasy. Always, I like to point out that when the Bible talks about apostasy, it doesn’t mean that such folks will stay home and not go to church. They will have churches and be in churches yet in apostasy. Such churches and Christians will project messages and a walk not in line with true Christianity.

These witches and wizards posing as men and women of God are demonised, they howl and mutter spells. Their words and doctrines are muttered as spells, this is why they are called seducers, they work with seducing spirits.

You have to be careful, don’t just jump after any new popularly becoming man of God.

Sometimes, there are Christians who don’t understand why certain charlatans of preachers have a lot of following though preaching nonsense and untruths in the name of Jesus. This is because such preachers are in wizardry, they cast spells by the words they utter and put the congregants in bondage. The congregants are in bondage without even knowing. You are not just going to save such congregants who wrongly assume they are in the right way just  by preaching the truth. You need to intercede vigorously. Such are those in christian cults, you can’t easily save them. They have been indoctrinated and seduced.

This is why it is easier to save atheists and agnostics than religious folks.

Therefore, be careful of howlers and enchanters. Be careful of seductive preachers in the church.

God bless you!