By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Proverbs 21:2 ASV

Every way of a man is right in his own eyes; But Jehovah weigheth the hearts.


The most important thing in life is “what did God say?”. This is the most important thing in life. It is not “what makes sense or is reasonable to you” but “what did God say?”. You will be defeated in life if this is not the most important thing to you. It should be in every decision or walk of life. “What did the great God say?”

Different things make different sense to different people.  You have to understand that something may make sense to you based on the information you have, your level of knowledge, the experiences in life, the education and training you got etc. All these resonate from the interaction you have with people, the society, family and the world at large. This is why that thought or decision makes sense to you.

Which human being knows everything ? Therefore, no human being has the right to determine what is right. You have to understand that any time you submit to a direction or instruction coming from a human being, you are putting your life in the hands of a person who is limited in knowledge and hence he may not be right.

When it comes to God, it is a direction and instruction from the one who has all the data and knows everything. Therefore when God says something even if it doesn’t make sense, He is right and reasonable and you are wrong.

When it comes to any area of your life, it should be “what did God say?” Not because mother, father, friends or the whole world agrees with me. It doesn’t make it right. “What did God say?” is what makes it right.

The cause of all the problems in the lives of men, whether health, marital, job, family or even in ministry is that they will not find out “what did God say?” but what makes sense to them”.

This foolishness of man started in the garden of Eden and is still the cause of all his predicaments. All that Adam and Eve were to do was to focus on “what did God say?”

The creature should find out what the creator said. Oneday, I had a conversation with a Christian and he was justifying himself regarding certain problems in his life. He said, how does it become my fault when I don’t know? No! It’s your fault and this is what some christians don’t understand. It is the responsibility of the creature to find out what the creator said. It is God’s responsibility to make His Word available to you but you’re to find it out. He has done His part by making the bible available, not only that He sent His servants to teach you. Therefore, God is justified to judge man whether He had knowledge or not.

When you were a student, why did you go to the library? Why didn’t you stay in that housing and say since I don’t know I will write and fail the exams?

Oh! I think what he is doing is not right, what did God say? What she is doing is not acceptable, what did God say?

Oh! My pastor said this. Is the pastor saying what God said? Oh! He may die from that sickness, what did God say? We prayed to God but he died, did God tell you to pray to Him or to heal the sick?

This was my mother’s, father’s or friend’s advice, were they saying the same thing that God said?

The doctor says that nothing can be done about the case, is that what God said or is saying? Is the doctor God?

This is what the Word of God said concerning a certain King of Judah,

And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the LORD, but the physicians…..2 Chronicles 16:12NKJV”

Is God against doctors, nurses and health professionals? Certainly not. They try to help patients the best they know how but it is not wise to put your trust in a man who also gets infected and die from the same disease he is helping you with. Did doctors die from COVID, you have your answer?

Trust not in the Words of men but God. What did God say?

God bless you!