By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Psalm 145:17 KJV

The Lord is righteous in all his ways, and holy in all his works.

The title of today’s devotional may be surprising to many but it is true. You can stop God’s hands from helping you. There are Christians who have wondered why they prayed, fasted and cried but the Lord never came through for them.

Sometimes, it is because they stopped the hands of God in their lives

The Bible says that if you pray whilst ignoring the word of God, that prayer is even an abomination to God. The Word of God is vital in all we do. Some don’t understand that. Things are not just going to change because you prayed.

He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall be abomination……Proverbs 28:9KJV”


How many prayers were abominations because people forsook the instruction of God’s word?

Now, the Psalmist in the Spirit reveals a certain important truth about God’s character and His operations

That all of God’s ways and works are righteous and holy. Observe that he didn’t say some but all his works.

This means that God is not going to be part of anything that is not done in righteousness and holiness. Before you seek God’s help in anything, you have to first ask if you are in righteousness? If your conduct is righteous?

Here is a Christian who wants a job but is always lying on his CV, how do you want God to help? You are stopping His hands. Here is a businessman who is seeking God’s favor to secure a contract but is dishonest in the operations and dealings with the contract. You may even secure the contract but it will come with problems. God says, I hate cheating and dishonesty

A false balance and dishonest business practices are extremely offensive to the Lord,

but an accurate scale is His delight……..Proverbs 11:1AMP”

Here is a barren wife who has been frustrated by a mother in law. She has been praying to take in seed but in her mind she wants to take in so she can deal with her mother in law. This is why you still haven’t taken in; you are praying in the flesh and God cannot be part of it.

I want that opportunity so I can send a signal to my friends, God cannot be part of this carnal prayer.

Wisdom says,

“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.”But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be children of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous…….Matthew 5:43-45KJV”

Don’t wish for the shame of those who don’t like you. Don’t let that be a motivation for prayer. The flesh may want that but never allow it.

Be righteous in your dealings and conduct so as not to stop God’s help.

God bless you!