By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

Philippians 1:21KJV

  For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.


Your joy as a Christian should be in doing what pleases God and not what makes you happy. Man has emotions because the God who created him in His likeness has emotions. God laughs, He gets angry (righteously), He joys etc. All these are emotions.

Before the fall, Adam was the glory of God and took pleasure in things that pleased God. Things changed because of sin.

The Christian’s joy should be in what gives God joy. You shouldn’t take pleasure in what displeases God. This is what fellowship with God produces; you become mind mingled with God. In the deep recesses of every Christian are the spiritual emotions of God. This is why joy is one of the fruits of the spirit; the problem is that some allows the lust and the pleasures of this life to cloud the spiritual emotions. Every Christian has these deep-seated emotions.

The earlier Apostles and disciples were the way they were because they were alive to the spiritual emotions.

This is what causes a man or woman to be willing to suffer for the Gospel’s sake. This is what makes him or her able to give up whatever for the expediency of the Gospel.

You only get to such a place by spiritual training. You ought to exercise yourself unto godliness so as to sensitize the spiritual appetites.

There are Christians who have been referred to as Jesus fanatics even by other Christians. It’s not really that they are extremist. The reason is that these ones have the deep-seated spiritual appetites alive and sensitized.

Paul was like that and this is why he was the way he was.

He says,

“For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain”

All he saw and knew was Christ. His very life revolved around Jesus. It was all Jesus for Paul.

Peter, James and John were equally like that.

What gave Jesus joy was what gave them joy. Their lives were not about the carnal things of this world. They had become one with Jesus. This is what every Christian should be. You can’t commune with the Holy Spirit and not be transformed.

It’s impossible. When you meet a Christian but he is carnal, it means he spends more time with this world than with God.  You can’t be with God and not have your spiritual appetites sensitized.

The reason why some Ministers even fall is because they spend more time with the congregation than with God. It is wrong. It is wrong to put the ministerial activities and engagements above time spent with God.

You become what you frequently eat; it is the same spiritually wise

The Christian is supposed to mind heavenly things, what heaven takes joy in should be his source of joy. Therefore let your desires be in what gives God joy


 God bless you!



I believe with my heart that Jesus is the very Son of God that He came to die for me and was raised up by God the Father. I confess Him as the Lord of my life from this day forward. Hallelujah! I am born again. 

Weekly Prayer

  • Pray and intercede for unsaved souls in your family, immediate and far


Scriptural reference: 2 Peter 3:9, 1 Timothy 2:4, Acts 16:31