By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

2 Timothy 4:7KJV

 I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith


When Paul was about to depart from the surface of this Earth, when he knew that the time for his departure was nigh, he could write to his son in the Lord and say

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”

Paul didn’t wait for Jesus to come before he could make such a statement.  Close to his departure, he could attest that he has made a success out of life in accordance to God’s standards.

There are some Christians who make statements like “no one knows, lets wait for Jesus to come”. They are waiting for Jesus to come before they can know whether they failed in life or were successful. They want to wait till the time when it will be impossible to make amends. No! Paul needs not to do that. He knew he had been a success.

He said,

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”

Paul had an accurate and precise understanding of what success in God and the Christian journey were about. He very well understood that life is like a racecourse and like the runner; every Christian has been given a course to finish.

You don’t set the course for yourself, God sets it for you and you are supposed to complete that course which He has set. This is all what success is to God. It is the completion of the course of life that He has set for you. There are Christians who set their own courses and they even complete it in style and call it a success, a legacy but in truth are failures in the eyes of God.

They set their own dreams, ambitions and aspirations in life. They achieve it and are applauded by men but never realize they are failures. You don’t set the course. God sets it. Success is simply finishing the course that He God has set for you.

The Bible says,

Therefore, seeing we also are compassed about by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us….Hebrews 12:1KJV

A course has been set before you as a Christian and this is the primary reason why you are on this earth. All other things are secondary. You are not successful because you are a doctor, lawyer, holds a PhD, a king, an entrepreneur or a president. This is how the world measures success but that’s not how God measures success.

The course that God has set before every Christian is generally to assist Him in expanding His Kingdom and establishing His righteousness in the hearts and affairs of men.

Jesus has set a course for the Christian but warned him of the bulging load, the cares of this world that will thwart his efforts from successfully finishing the course that has been set before him.

 You have to, as a Christian be determined and focused so as to be able to finish your course so that like Paul you can also say

I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith”

God bless you!



I believe with my heart that Jesus is the very Son of God that He came to die for me and was raised up by God the Father. I confess Him as the Lord of my life from this day forward. Hallelujah!  I am born again