By Apostle Alex Adusei Agyemang

God gave every seed its body. What is a seed? A seed is the life giving principle. Everything in life starts with a seed, even the Kingdom of God. When the Master gave an illustration of the parable of the sower, He likened the Kingdom of God to a seed.

The Word of God is referred to as a seed. Peter says,


“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever……..1 Peter 1:23KJV”


Everything in the Kingdom starts with a seed, even when it comes to Kingdom finances.


Now, the body is that which expresses the life of the seed. Every Christian has God’s seed in him or her and your body is supposed to express the life of that seed.


This is why you cannot, now that you are a Christian justify living in sin.

There are Christians who still quote “ the flesh is weak”, they justify their habitual sinning on their weak flesh. This is borne out of ignorance. You are not the same person after you are born again because God’s seed of righteousness abides in you and your body is supposed to be an expression of that seed.


The body expresses the life of the seed. When you find unbelievers walking in sins, they are expressing the life of the corruptible seed in them but that shouldn’t be your case as a christian. Like Peter said, you are to give vent to the incorruptible seed in you.


The body is that which expresses the life of the seed.

“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for His seed remaineth in him, and he cannot sin, because he is born of God……..1 John 3:9KJV”

Be conscious of the seed in you. Some Christians dwell in sin because they are not conscious of the seed in them, they think they still have the corruptible nature.


Let that seed in you bear all the fruits. It will give rise to some wonderful and great things, marvellous to behold. No Christian is ordinary, you are so great. Residing in you is a seed with so great potentialities, far beyond this world. You have to nurture and water that seed. Don’t look down on the seed and think it is of no value, even the natural man you see who is 6 feet high, with so much muscles started as a seed in his mother’s womb. Never underestimate the seed. You have in you the seed of God Himself and if you will nurture and grow it, what do you think can come out of that seed?


Don’t underestimate yourself! You have in you something which is so big that the world itself cannot contain if it was to grow to its full potential.


Remember, God gave every seed its body


God bless you!